In this talk, I will describe the use of approximation algorithms for intractable graph problems as "experimental probes" of large informatics graphs. These graphs, e.g., extremely large social and information networks that are ubiquitous in modern internet applications, have numerous subtle and counterintuitive properties, and determining even basic structural properties (aside from very simple statistics like degree distributions and the probability of closing triangles) in a reliable manner can be surprisingly difficult. Significantly for the method I will describe, approximation algorithms, in particular those taking advantage of randomization, do not in general return the combinatorial optimum, but instead they return an ensemble of solutions, the properties of which depend sensitively on the details of the algorithm. Moreover, approximation algorithms with a geometric flavor can often be viewed as implicitly smoothing or providing regularization, a feature which can aid in interpreting their output. As an application of this method, I will describe results from "experimentally probing" large informatics graphs with approximation algorithms for the graph partitioning problem. This problem is of wide interest in scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning, and it is intimately related to questions of clustering and classification in those application domains. Moreover, there exists a rich suite of approximation algorithms, both theoretical and practical, the relative strengths and weaknesses of which are well known, for approximating the solution to this problem. I will describe results from spectral and flow-based algorithms, recently-developed theoretical algorithms combining ideas from both of these classical methods, as well as commonly-used heuristics like Metis. In addition, I will describe the use of these methods to ask questions such as whether informatics graph are even consistent with the manifold hypothesis commonly made in machine learning and data analysis.