Fingerprinting and traceability codes are used for copyright protection of licensed content. To prevent unauthorized redistribution, each legal copy is supplied with an imperceptible user-identifying signature (fingerprint) which is a codeword of a fingerprinting (or traceability) code. We introduce the notion of two-level fingerprinting and traceability codes. In this setting, the users are organized in a hierarchical manner by classifying them into various groups; for instance, by dividing the distribution area of the content into several geographic regions, and collecting users from the same region into one group. The two-level codes we propose have the following property: If a coalition of at most t users attempts to modify the fingerprints and create an illegal copy, the decoder can identify at least one of the guilty users. For coalitions of size greater than t, but smaller than some value s, the decoder is capable of identifying a group that contains a member of the coalition. In this work, we provide constructions for two-level fingerprinting codes and characterize achievable rates. We also obtain sufficient conditions for two-level traceability codes.