We consider the problem of transmitting a Gaussian source over a block-fading Gaussian channel. We analyze several source/channel models in terms of distortion exponent, that is, how fast the end-to-end average distortion decays to zero as the SNR increases. As opposed to most of the literature, we consider SNR-asymmetric channels, correlated fading and source side information. In particular, we focus on Successive Refinement (SR) and on Multiple Description Coding (MDC) with more than two descriptions. Our contributions include: 1) showing that determining the distortion exponent reduces to solving a linear programming problem; 2) proposing a general framework to study the distortion exponent for MDC with any number of descriptions; 3) quantifying analytically the impact of source side information and/or of fading correlation in terms of offset with respect to the case of no side-information and/or uncorrelated fading case; 4) studying the distortion exponent for interference channels.