Recent work on high dimensional graphical modeling of continuous data has been focused on Gaussian models with sparsity constraints imposed on the inverse covariance matrix. In this work we relax the Gaussian assumption, but restrict the underlying undirected graph to be a forest. This allows fully nonparametric density estimates, but with structural assumptions on the graph. Since fitting a fully connected spanning tree can be expected to overfit in high dimensions, we regulate the complexity of the model by cross validating over a large class of spanning forests of different sizes. One class of forests comes from pruning the maximum weight spanning tree. We also consider spanning forests with restricted tree sizes. We prove that finding a maximum weight spanning forest with restricted tree size is NP-hard, and develop an approximation algorithm. We use the algorithm to build a second class of forests by pruning the approximately optimal tree-restricted forest. Finally, we also compare with the pure greedy approach. We analyze the resulting density estimation scheme in the high dimensional setting, allowing both the sample size and dimension to increase, and prove oracle results on the risk and structure selection properties of the method.