Flow schemes are central to classical network theory and are known to be rate-optimal in many transmission scenarios. A famous example is the Ford-Fulkerson theorem for a single unicast session. Furthermore, flow schemes are sometimes a critical component of more complex network coding techniques such as the algorithm of Jaggi et al. for a single multicast session. We propose flow schemes for a wireless network model recently proposed by Avestimehr, Diggavi, and Tse. We first demonstrate that our flow scheme for a single unicast session achieves the capacity of this network and can be constructed in polynomial time; this can be viewed as an extension of the Ford-Fulkerson theorem to ADT networks. We next develop a polynomial-time capacity-achieving multicast algorithm for ADT networks by combining the unicast flows to each destination; this algorithm resembles the one of Jaggi et al. for wired networks and has the fastest construction time and shortest delay among multicast algorithms for this wireless network model.