The capacity of a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel in which the antenna outputs are processed by an analog linear combining network and quantized by a set of threshold quantizers is studied. The linear combining weights and quantization thresholds are selected from a set of possible configurations as a function of the channel matrix. The possible configurations of the combining network model specific analog receiver architectures, such as single antenna selection, sign quantization of the antenna outputs or linear processing of the outputs. An interesting connection between the capacity of this channel and a constrained sphere packing problem in which unit spheres are packed in a hyperplane arrangement is shown. From a high-level perspective, this follows from the fact that each threshold quantizer can be viewed as a hyperplane partitioning the transmitter signal space. Accordingly, the output of the set of quantizers corresponds to the possible regions induced by the hyperplane arrangement corresponding to the channel realization and receiver configuration. This connection provides a number of important insights into the design of quantization architectures for MIMO receivers; for instance, it shows that for a given number of quantizers, choosing configurations which induce a larger number of partitions can lead to higher rates.